terça-feira, 27 de abril de 2021

Save the Children - "Make a special new memory with mom!" 2021(versão em Inglês)

  She's sure to appreciate a life-changing Gift of Joy – view all.
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She's sure to appreciate a
life-changing Gift of Joy – view all.
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Literacy: The gift   that lasts a lifetime Stock a Library in the U.S. $100
Join us for 100   days of reading! LEARN MORE
Mother's Day calls for a gift like no other. What do you give the woman who has dedicated her life to bettering yours? You surprise her with a truly remarkable gift that embodies the compassion and generosity she's always shown.

Gifts of Joy like the Wrap Up In Love Bundle, which provides insulating blankets for at-risk newborns and babies during disasters, emergencies and conflict can make all the difference for children in crisis and bring much-needed relief to mother's in distress.

Delight Mom with a gift that provides comfort and care this Mother's Day.
  Give where the need is most urgent and make 10X the impact!
Global Action Fund Any Amount
  School, books and classroom materials to empower future moms.
Educate a Girl $75
  Goats to help keep vulnerable children nourished, healthy and learning.
Goat $60
  Equipment to protect frontline heroes in hard-to-reach communities.
COVID-19 Frontline Health Supplies $100
  FREE Mother's Day   card!Choose from 60+ extraordinary Mother's Day Gifts of Joy starting at   just $20 here. Every gift comes with a FREE Mother's Day card   highlighting the importance of your gift.
  Daily supplies of milk and eggs, plus income from a goat and two chicks.
1 Goat & 2 Chicks $80
Mother's Day calls for a gift like no other. What do you give the woman who has dedicated her life to bettering yours? You surprise her with a truly remarkable gift that embodies the compassion and generosity she's always shown.

Gifts of Joy like the Wrap Up In Love Bundle, which provides insulating blankets for at-risk newborns and babies during disasters, emergencies and conflict can make all the difference for children in crisis and bring much-needed relief to mother's in distress.

Delight Mom with a gift that provides comfort and care this Mother's Day.
There are a variety of
Gifts of Joy to celebrate this special occasion, including the Top 5
Best Sellers.
Give where the need is most urgent and make 10X the impact!
Global Action Fund Any Amount
School, books and classroom materials to empower future moms.
Educate a Girl $75
Goats to help keep vulnerable children nourished, healthy and learning.
Goat $60
Equipment to protect frontline heroes in hard-to-reach communities.
COVID-19 Frontline Health Supplies $100
Daily supplies of milk and eggs, plus income from a goat and two chicks.
1 Goat & 2 Chicks $80
FREE Mother's Day   card!Choose from 60+ extraordinary Mother's Day Gifts of Joy starting at   just $20 here. Every gift comes with a FREE Mother's Day card   highlighting the importance of your gift.
  Our Promise: Save the Children is proud to be the leading expert on children. By selecting a gift through this catalog, you are making a donation to Save the Children. We are dedicated to using your donation to give every child the best chance for success. Each gift in this catalog is representative of resources, services or support for programs provided across Save the Children's worldwide movement, and may change due to environmental, programmatic and economic considerations. Your donations will be used to provide assistance where it is needed most within that program area or to address similar need.  


Autor: Save the Children

Fonte: Save the Children

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social, Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

ZERO (Associação SistemaTerrestre Sustentável) - "29 ABR, 21h30 - O nosso dinheiro e o ambiente (Meia-Hora de Bom Ambiente) 2021

26 de abril de 2021 ver online
WEBINAR zero.ong

A sessão Meia-Hora de Bom Ambiente desta semana terá como foco "O nosso dinheiro e o ambiente". Uma conversa sobre como é que os cidadãos e aforradores, com muito ou pouco dinheiro, se podem empoderar financeiramente e fazer a diferença pela positiva no ambiente e no clima.

Contaremos com a presença de Nuno Brito Jorge - Fundador da GoParity e presidente da Direção da Coopérnico, uma cooperativa para as energias renováveis. É membro do Founders Founders, um clube informal de fundadores de startups portuguesas que promove a partilha de conhecimento e experiência entre empreendedores.


Este webinar será moderado por Alexandre Jesus da ZERO.


Meia-Hora de Bom Ambiente, todas as quinta-feiras às 21:30 no Facebook da ZERO

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ZERO - Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável
Copyright © 2021 ZERO, todos os direitos reservados

Autor: ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável)

Fonte: ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável)

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social: Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza  
Carlos Carrapiço

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