quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2023

ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável) - Agenda ZERO: Que eventos recomendamos para próximos dias? 2023

23 de fevereiro de 2023
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ZERO - Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável
Copyright © 2023 ZERO, todos os direitos reservados

Autor: ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável)

Fonte: ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável)

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço


Celeste Hicks/CleanCities Org. - How to ensure a fast and fair transition to clean urban transport 2023

It might sound like a far-fetched dream, but we know it's possible. And it's a popular idea.
Win-Win: 5 fast and fair solutions for cleaning up urban transport

Changing how we move around won't make us worse off

That's the conclusion of a new report launched today by the Clean Cities Campaign. The report profiles the top 5 measures policy-makers can employ in order that clean urban transport policies - such as low- and zero-emission zones - take into consideration the needs of vulnerable groups in society.

As households struggle with the cost of living crisis, it is important to remember that there are also costs associated with the health burden of air pollution. The report highlights evidence that low-income households and communities of colour tend to bear the greatest impacts of dangerous levels of dirty air (1).

Five solutions

The report proposes a range of solutions for city leaders and governments to help strike a balance between the overall health benefits of clean transport policy and the short term impacts of the changes as they are introduced. These are:

Why we need zero-emissions urban mobility

Cities urgently need to address the twin crises of air pollution and carbon emissions from road transport, as we strive to reach our commitments to reduce exposure to dirty air and ensure a stable and healthy climate.

Air pollution causes at least 300,000 early deaths every year in Europe. It can affect almost every organ in the body and is associated with a staggering list of health conditions, including lung cancer, asthma and stunted lung growth in children as well as heart disease (2). Research from the European Public Health Alliance shows for several cities in Europe the health costs of air pollution are well over Euro 1,000 a year per capita (3). 

Barbara Stoll, director of the Clean Cities Campaign says "This is not a zero-sum game — the costs of inaction on air pollution are greater than those associated with the implementation of the measures that will ease the transition to clean transport. Air pollution is a silent killer and it continues to poison our urban environments and city leaders must act immediately to protect people's health. This research shows that there are workable solutions for them to ensure that vulnerable communities are supported in the switch to zero emission transport during this cost of living crisis".

Case study - Edu Bernal is a systems administrator in a cultural management company in Barcelona and developed a co-operative housing model. He has two children. He gave up his car in exchange for a 3-year free public transport pass as part of Barcelona's T-Verda scheme (4).

"I believe that we all have to make decisions about our habits. I wasn't convinced by the idea of buying another vehicle that uses solid fuels, so when the scheme came about I decided it was time to stop registering the vehicle and use public transport and carsharing with 'Som Mobilitat' instead. I have time to read, study, inform myself. And I save money. A really important change is coming!"
Read the report
Press contact:

Barbara Stoll (EN/HU) -
Director of Clean Cities Campaign
 +44 7985 637 173 

Celeste Hicks (EN/FR)
Communications & Media Manager, Clean Cities Campaign
+44 7957 915696

Notes to the editor:
  1. Win-Win: 5 fast and fair solutions to clean up urban transport, CCC, Feb 2023
  2. https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/air/health-impacts-of-air-pollution
  3. /epha.org/how-much-is-air-pollution-costing-our-health/  (London Euro 1,294, Paris Euro 1,602, Luxembourg Euro 1,748) 
  4. https://www.tmb.cat/en/barcelona-fares-metro-bus/single-and-integrated/t-verda

About the Clean Cities Campaign:

The Clean Cities Campaign is a European coalition of NGOs and grassroots groups campaigning for zero-emission urban mobility by 2030: https://cleancitiescampaign.org/about/

Copyright © 2021 Clean Cities Campaign, All rights reserved.

Autor: Celeste Hicks/CleanCities Org.

Fonte: Celeste Hicks/CleanCities Org.

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

Essência do Ambiente/Greenews - Mercado Voluntário de Carbono em Portugal 2023

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Autor: Essência do Ambiente

Fonte:  Essência do Ambiente/Greenews

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

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