sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2021

Save the Children - "When words aren't enough..." (versão em língua inglesa) 2021

  # Watch this moving Mother's Day video…  
Watch this moving Mother's Day video…
Dear Carlos,

No matter who they are or where they live, moms around the world have one thing in common: they want the very best for their children.

Day after day, year after year, mothers give of themselves so their children can thrive. They dig deep. They work exceptionally hard. And they shine bright with the sheer joy that comes from a mother's heart.

To honor mothers around the world, we've created this powerful tribute video. Take a look and share it!
  watch now  
  It truly takes a village to raise a child.

Thank you for everything you do to support mothers and children living in some of the world's most challenging circumstances.

We hope you'll take a moment to watch our Mother's Day tribute video, and consider honoring a mom in your life with a special Mother's Day gift that will help encourage and empower mothers and children in need around the world.
  give now  
  Thank you again for all you do to change children's lives for a lifetime. From all of us here at Save the Children, Happy Mother's Day!  
Dear Carlos,

No matter who they are or where they live, moms around the world have one thing in common: they want the very best for their children.

Day after day, year after year, mothers give of themselves so their children can thrive. They dig deep. They work exceptionally hard. And they shine bright with the sheer joy that comes from a mother's heart.

To honor mothers around the world, we've created this powerful tribute video. Take a look and share it!
watch now
It truly takes a village to raise a child.

Thank you for everything you do to support mothers and children living in some of the world's most challenging circumstances.

We hope you'll take a moment to watch our Mother's Day tribute video, and consider honoring a mom in your life with a special Mother's Day gift that will help encourage and empower mothers and children in need around the world.
give now
Thank you again for all you do to change children's lives for a lifetime. From all of us here at Save the Children, Happy Mother's Day!

Autor: Save the Children

Fonte: Save the Children

 O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza 
Carlos Carrapiço

ONGD - Newsletter Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD Nº 15 . 07/05/2021

NEWSLETTER Nº 15 . 7 MAIO 2021 Ver no browser

Conference | A Partnership of Equals: Africa-EU relations in an increasingly complex world

No dia 28 de maio, a Plataforma Portuguesa de ONGD organiza Conferência "A Partnership of Equals: Africa-EU relations in an increasingly complex world", no âmbito do projeto "Por uma Europa aberta, justa e sustentável no Mundo". O evento reunirá representantes de entidades governamentais e da a sociedade civil de África e da Europa para debater as principais questões em discussão relativamente à parceria África-UE. Conheça o programa e inscreva-se.

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As relações África UE e a Transição Verde, Justa e Sustentável

O paper "As relações África-UE e a Transição Verde, Justa e Sustentável", publicado pela Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD, procura evidenciar os dilemas e desafios que a Transição Verde coloca a nível global, e particularmente ao continente africano, em torno de duas questões principais: o imperativo de fazer da transição verde uma transição justa e sustentável, e o papel da UE na construção de soluções para a mobilização do financiamento necessário.

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Desenvolvimento Global e a Solidariedade Internacional – O Compromisso Necessário

26 ABR 2021

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Lei Europeia do Clima e o desenvolvimento sustentável

6 MAI 2021

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MAI 2021

Joining Forces for Climate Action – African and European Civil Society Perspectives


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MAI 2021

Debate pelo Direito ao Lugar


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MAI 2021 A
1 MAI 2021

Ciclo de Workshops "Jovens na Política - Participar para a Cidadania Global".


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MAI 2021 A
25 MAI 2021

Ciclo de Debates: A pobreza em Portugal


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O Futuro da Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento: Fragmentação, adaptação e inovação num mundo em mudança


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Autor: ONGD (Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD)

Fonte: Newsletter ONGD (Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD)

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza  
Carlos Carrapiço

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