Happy August! We want to help you ring in the new month by sharing a few of our favourite stories from the last week.
| | Why, hello there Carlos, Happy August! To ring in the new month, we want to share a few of our favourite stories from the last week with you. From actions you can take for World Nature Conservation Day to ways sharks help maintain our oceans, our roundup this week features must-read stories about our planet and those we share it with. We've included a story on how investing in nature can help us combat the climate crisis, and a piece on how we can build homes and properties that boost biodiversity. Finally, check out some exciting updates on sustainable energy. With that, we hope you enjoy what we've put together for you today – and wish you a wonderful start to August! | | | How we can conserve nature This week marked World Nature Conservation Day, and we want to take a moment to spotlight things we can all do to conserve our vital natural resources. No matter how big or small, our individual actions can make the world of a difference: Read more | | | Surprising ways sharks maintain oceans When it comes to protecting biodiversity and preserving our planet, sharks are our allies. These marine animals play a key role in making sure our oceans stay healthy – and, in turn, protect all of us: Discover more | | | Investing in nature, combating the climate crisis When we lose nature, we lose essential carbon storehouses as well as life-sustaining resources for millions of people and animals. So it comes as no surprise that investing in nature also helps us combat the climate crisis. Here's why nature-based solutions are worth our time: Learn more | | | Building up biodiversity When we build homes or other properties, we take up pieces of land that may be essential to wildlife – but we don't need to lose one to gain the other. From creating shelter for animals to building green roofs for bees and other pollinators, there are plenty of ways we can make buildings better for biodiversity: Read more | | Growth in sustainable energy Last year, the world's wind and solar energy capacity grew at a record rate. The oil industry, meanwhile, saw the biggest slump in demand over the last few decades, seeing a trend away from fossil fuels. So, what does it all mean? Read on to find out: Learn more | | | | | WWF believes in people and nature thriving together | Visit panda.org today | | | | | WWF International Rue Mauverney 28 Gland Switzerland
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Autor: WWF International
Fonte: WWF International
O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço