domingo, 16 de outubro de 2022

WWF International - Protect people and nature: your weekly round-up 🐼 2022

This week, our latest Living Planet Report was released – and there's no denying the figures are devastating.

1900d66c-85dd-4a2c-b386-888e146f7151.jpgOUR AMBITION | OUR WORK | GET INVOLVED


Weekly round-up 16th October

This week, our latest Living Planet Report was released – and there's no denying the figures are devastating: species population numbers have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970. Now more than ever, it's critical we band together to protect people and nature. We know what you might be thinking: where do we go from here? And what can we do? In this week's round-up, we're looking at how we – together – can make a difference to our future. And why it's so important that we take action for a living planet.

Image credit: © Justin Jin / WWF-US

A world without corals

Coral reefs cover less than 0.1% of the ocean, yet more than a quarter of all marine species depend on them. That's not all: 850 million people around the world are thought to rely on coral reefs for their food and livelihoods. That's why we must prevent a world without corals:

Learn more

Mending our relationship with nature

Rights-based approaches and Indigenous knowledge and leadership can empower us all. This must be at the heart of shaping a better future for people and planet. Recognizing and valuing multiple ways of knowing, being, and acting can help us heal our broken relationship with nature – and each other: 

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Watch: Living Planet Report film

Did you know that our food, water and even the air we breathe depends on healthy and intact natural environments? When we lose species, we don't just lose one of a kind animals or plants: we also risk the very systems we rely on. The systems which sustain us:

Watch now

Technology for a living planet

Ever since the agricultural revolution, we have been designing increasingly clever ways to strip the world of its natural resources – usually ways that pollute, deplete and degrade the ecosystems we rely on. But today, we're using tech around the world to repair some of the damage:

Discover more

Reversing nature loss

Wildlife numbers are plummeting – but we can fix this crisis. It's a red alert for the planet. But we have the tools to reverse much of this loss – if we have the will. More on reversing nature loss from Marco Lambertini, Director General of WWF International:

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WWF believes in people and nature thriving together | Visit today

WWF International Rue Mauverney 28 GLAND Switzerland


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sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2022

Associação CAIS - Newsletter CAIS #30 2022

outubro 2022                                                                                #30

Olhares em diálogo, por Julieta Monginho

"Que uma entidade nos convoque com a eficácia da Cais é um estímulo e uma aposta que só podemos apoiar, se não quisermos eximir-nos ao papel de cidadãos adstritos aos valores que a justiça contém."

Leia na integra o editorial desta edição, aqui.

NPISA Porto é a Direção convidada da Revista CAIS de outubro.

Saiba tudo sobre a edição deste mês.

Não se esqueça: 70% do valor da Revista vai diretamente para os vendedores.

Boas leituras!
O evento d'A Grande Final é promovido pela Associação CAIS, em parceria com a Câmara Municipal de Beja e abre ao público no dia 21 de outubro, iniciando-se com um desfile, às 14h30, seguindo-se um discurso institucional de abertura do evento.

Saiba tudo aqui.

É já a partir do dia 13 de outubro e até 2 de novembro que as 3 fotografias vencedoras, menção honrosa e fotografias finalistas do REFLEX – Prémio de Fotografia CAIS | novobanco estarão em exposição ao público no Espaço novobanco, no Marquês de Pombal.


Saiba tudo aqui.
O objetivo é criar uma onda de coletes amarelos e criar algum impacto visual/mediático para o Dia Internacional para a Erradicação da Pobreza.

Saiba tudo aqui.
Copyright © 2021 Associação CAIS, Todos os direitos reservados.

Os nossos contactos:
Site -
Email -
Telefone - 21 836 9000
Morada - Rua do Vale Formoso de Cima, 49-55, Lisboa 
1950-265 Lisboa Portugal

Autor: Associação CAIS

Fonte: Associação CAIS

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa, Inclusão Social, Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2022

WWF International - BREAKING: An SOS from nature 2022

Breaking stats from our Living Planet Report are in, revealing we're in the midst of environmental breakdown.

1900d66c-85dd-4a2c-b386-888e146f7151.jpgOUR AMBITION | OUR WORK | GET INVOLVED


This is an SOS from nature: breaking stats from our Living Planet Report are in, revealing species population numbers have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970. This means the unique species are starting to vanish at an alarming rate.

Something needs to change – before it's too late. It's never been clearer that our destruction of nature is devastating our planet and all those we share it with. And not only are these unique species numbers dwindling, the natural spaces they live in are in danger too. In turn, our life support systems – which feed us, provide us with water and more – hang by a thread. This is environmental breakdown.

Our relationship with nature has always run deep. But these figures make it clear that this bond is broken today. We can't wait any longer. Together, we have to rebuild this relationship and we have to do it now:

Fixing the biodiversity emergency

There are many ways in which we can reverse nature loss which include bolder and more ambitious conservation efforts. However, we also need transformational changes in the way we produce and consume:

Take action for a nature-positive world

Individual small actions may not feel like enough but collectively people around the world have the power to make change. No matter where you are, there are small steps everyone can take in their daily lives that will help make a positive difference:

WWF believes in people and nature thriving together | Visit today

                                 WWF International Rue Mauverney 28 GLAND Switzerland



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Autor: WWF International Org.

Fonte: WWF International Org.

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa, Inclusão Social, Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço


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