| It's been a tough year for moms, Carlos. All across the globe, they've faced immense barriers as they go above and beyond to create a bright future for their children. That's why we're looking for 5,000 members of this community to sign our card thanking moms everywhere this Mother's Day. Will you sign the card now? In war zones, mothers are doing everything they can to keep their children safe from brutal violence. In refugee camps, they're helping their children access what little food and water they can get. And in the midst of the pandemic, many have had to juggle full-time jobs and ensure their children continue their education despite school closures. Mothers are nothing short of heroes, Carlos. And today of all days, we need to make sure they know that. That's why we're counting on you to sign our Mother's Day card before this special day is over: Please, sign our Mother's Day card right now to show moms around the world how much we appreciate all they do to build better futures for all of us. We're so grateful for all you do to create change that lasts a lifetime for children and their mothers all over the world. Thank you. From all of us here at Save the Children, have a wonderful Mother's Day! Save the Children | |
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Autor: Save the Children
Fonte: Save the Children
O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social, Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza