domingo, 15 de agosto de 2021

WWF International - "Elephant sanctuary: your weekly round-up 🐼" 2021



Weekly roundup 8th August

There's been a lot going on in the news over the last few days, making it difficult to know what's worth tapping into. To help you filter through, we've handpicked some of this week's must-read stories.

This week marked World Elephant Day, and the first piece takes us to a Kenyan sanctuary that rescues and rehabilitates young elephants – owned and run by an Indigenous community. Through generations, Indigenous peoples have passed on their deep knowledge about nature. The second feature shares some of their voices and experiences. Inspired by their historic work for our planet, we've included a challenge too, on how you too can take action. From our wide ocean to species small and big, every bit of our world should be protected. The last two stories take a closer look at why. See you next week!

Orphaned elephant sanctuary

In northern Kenya, a Samburu community runs the Reteti sanctuary, which rescues and rehabilitates orphaned elephants. This is sanctuary is owned and run by Indigenous people, and plays a key role in elephant rehabilitation in the country:

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Celebrating Indigenous peoples

What Indigenous peoples living across the world often have in common is a special relationship with their lands and seas, or their 'territories of life'. Through generations, they have passed on knowledge about nature. We are honoured to share some of their voices and experiences with you:

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#Actors4Change Challenge

We've partnered with World Food Forum & UN Environment to launch the #Actors4Change video challenge and are looking for videos that showcase inspiring, diverse, and impactful solutions that improve our food systems. Want to get involved?

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A healthy ocean for a healthy planet

If we want a healthy planet, we need to take action for a healthy ocean. The global ocean - the Earth's oceanic waters such as the Atlantic and Pacific - puts food on the table and underpins trillions of dollars of economic activity worldwide. Yet, we continue to over-exploit our life-sustaining blue planet. Now more than ever, it's time we step up:

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Why we must protect insects

Rhinos, polar bears and tigers may be the focus of most headlines about species loss, but did you know that many insects are also facing extinction? And did you know this impacts all of us? Here's why we must protect insects:

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Autor: WWF International

Fonte: WWF International

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

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