quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2021

WWF International - "Why does it matter if our planet is warming?" 2021

It's crucial decision-makers take steps to stop global temperatures rising above the 1.5˚C target set by the UN Paris Agreement. But why?

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The climate crisis is already wreaking havoc on our people and wildlife around the globe. But what we've experienced so far is nothing compared to what warming of 2°C and more could look like, and the irreversible damage it could have on our planet. Though the clock is ticking, we still have time to take action. And every moment matters. 

It's crucial decision-makers take steps to stop global temperatures rising above the 1.5˚C target set by the Paris Agreement. The difference between 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees might not seem much, but it's major: limiting global warming to 1.5°C means 1.3 billion fewer people exposed to extreme heatwaves, and 60 million fewer people to droughts.

Right now, leaders and representatives from 193 countries are coming together at the United Nations General Assembly to discuss this and more. This offers an essential opportunity to inspire action to protect our planet. What happens from here on affects each and every one of us:

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Working with nature against climate change

The climate crisis and nature loss are two of the greatest threats humanity has ever faced. But when we talk about "taking action" or "finding solutions", what do we actually mean? Well, here's one example of how we can address both these issues at the same time:

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Autor: WWF International

Fonte: WWF International

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço


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