domingo, 19 de junho de 2022

The UNESCO Courier - Read our latest interview with Yalitza Aparicio 2022

The UNESCO Courier | June 2022
Don't miss The UNESCO Courier's exclusive interview with Mexican Oscar nominee actress and indigenous advocate, Yalitza Aparicio, in which she reminds us that the fight for on-screen diversity must continue.

We still have a long way to go to improve diversity in film

This interview is the first article from our July-September 2022 issue, dedicated to the key role of culture as a vehicle for resilience, inclusion and sustainability. Stay tuned for more.

Beyond the profound impact of the health crisis on the cultural industry, the sector risks being threatened by new persistent challenges, from the effects of climate change on heritage to changes in the status of artists. These issues – and many others – will be centre-stage at the 2022 edition of the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies (MONDIACULT), to be held in Mexico in September, 40 years after its first edition.  

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Since its creation in 1948, The UNESCO Courier has been spreading an ideal throughout the world: humanity united in its diversity around universal values and fundamental rights, strong in the wealth of its cultures, knowledge and accomplishments.

The UNESCO Courier
7 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France
e-ISSN 2220-2293


Fonte: The UNESCO Courier

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

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