segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2022

Sophie, Clean Cities Org. 🎁 All we want for Christmas is…

Funding for cycling, School Streets, affordable public transport & MUCH more!
One car-free day a week

Sounds too good to be true? Actually, car-free days are cheap and easy enough to implement once a week. They're also one of the most effective ways to quickly reduce oil demand in the short term. 

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Low- and zero-emission zones all round!

Low- and zero-emission zones help to reduce air pollution and the number of polluting cars on our streets. There's a strong momentum in European cities, and low-emission zones alone are set to grow by 58% by 2025. 

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Budget for cycling (and cycle parking)

If we all cycled every day, we could save 700 million tonnes of carbon pollution each year. But we won't get people out of cars and onto bikes without proper funding, infrastructure and secure parking

Italy's government recently cut ALL funds for cycling infrastructure (so they're definitely on our naughty list) – but we are campaigning hard to change this. 
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One School Street in front of every school

Children should be able to walk, cycle and scoot to school without having to breathe in toxic air or to navigate congested, dangerous roads. School Streets are a great way to secure cleaner air and safer roads for our cities' youngest – they're also affordable and fairly easy to implement!

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Enjoyed this list? We would love it if you could share it on Twitter and tag your city leaders!

That's it from us for this year. We'll see you in 2023 recharged and ready to keep campaigning for cleaner, healthier, more liveable cities. We couldn't do any of this work without you – thank you for all your support in 2022, we wish you a good end to the year!

Best wishes,

Sophie, on behalf of the Clean Cities Campaign
Copyright © 2022 Clean Cities Campaign, All rights reserved.

Autor: Sophie, Clean Cities Org. 

Fonte: Clean Cities Org.

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

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