segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2023

Sophie; Clean Cities Org. - The good, the bad & the inspiring 👍👎👏 2023

Four important stories that could energise you for the new year!

Is it still January? Don't worry, we've got you covered – here are four energizing stories that might have slipped off your radar this month!

Good news: Milan could become a 30 km/h city

Milan is looking to join many other European cities that have decided to slow down a little – to 30 km/h to be precise. 

We think slowing down would be a great move for the city, helping to better protect cyclists and pedestrians, encourage folks to leave their car at home and reduce air pollution. 

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More good news: First plans for the Warsaw low-emission zone are unveiled

Warsaw will soon be home to a low-emission zone (LEZ)! On Wednesday, the city announced the first scenario and opened it up to public consultation. 

We welcome this move but urge the city to be even more ambitious. Whilst the current scenario plans to gradually tighten the requirements on vehicles entering the zone, the LEZ currently covers too small an area (just 7% of city territory) to make a real difference to air quality. 

Read more
Bad news: "Trotinettes" (e-scooters) in peril in Paris 

Couple on Lime e-scooters
In April, Parisians will be invited to vote on whether to allow shared electric scooter rental services to continue operating. Banning them would be a mistake – anything that encourages people out of polluting cars and travelling emissions-free can only be a good thing. In the UK, research shows that e-scooters on average replace one in 5 car trips as users choose to leave the car at home. Remember that 65% of Parisians don't own a car, so it makes sense that they will choose an easily available alternative.

Inspirational news: Children defend their School Street
we want school streets banner - Streets For Kids
In November, the mayor of Tower Hamlets in East London bowed to pressure from some members of the community and tried to remove a School Street. Although the School Street was eventually dismantled, no-one had bet on fierce resistance from a group of local children, including 10-year-old Ivy. 

Read Ivy's story
If you haven't done so already, you can take one minute to tell Europe's leaders that they should do more to protect kids from air pollution by passing ambitious clean air laws and supporting measures like School Streets. 

Sign the petition

That's it for this month – thank you for your continued support and see you in February!

Best wishes,

Sophie, on behalf of the Clean Cities Campaign

Copyright © 2022 Clean Cities Campaign, All rights reserved.

Autor: Clean Cities Org.

Fonte: Sophie; Clean Cities Org.

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

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