terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2022

WWF International - Plastic pollution: your weekly round-up 🐼 2022

Welcome (or welcome back!) to our weekly round-up of news about our planet from around the world.

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Weekly round-up 9th October

Welcome (or welcome back!) to our weekly round-up of news about our planet from around the world – picked out just for you. From a story on why – and how – plastic ends up in our ocean to a feature looking at what needs to be done in order to protect our forests, we've got some great bits for you to read through – and watch – today. Have a wonderful end to the week and happy reading!

Image credit: © Frederico Viana / WWF

How plastic gets in our ocean

Even if you live hundreds of miles from the coast, the plastic you throw away could make its way into our ocean. That's because 80% of plastic in our ocean originates on land. But what does that really mean? And how can we tackle plastic pollution?

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Protecting dolphins from fishing nets

Innovative dolphin-saving devices are bringing hope for river dolphins in the Mahakam river in Indonesia. A pilot project last year proved that using 'pingers' prevent dolphins from becoming entangled in fishing nets. Here's how it works: 

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Eating for the environment

We need a food system that doesn't cost the Earth. Today we rely on three crops for nearly half of the world's calories. Our heavy reliance on these crops make our global food security especially vulnerable on a warming planet. So how can we turn things around?

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Ending deforestation

Did you know 1.6 billion people globally rely on forests for their livelihoods? Our forests are vital. But they're disappearing. To end deforestation, we need world leaders, businesses and others who've made pledges to protect our forests to turn their words into actions:

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Turning the old into new

Most disposable chopsticks are discarded after just one meal and in Vancouver, Canada, 100,000 chopsticks are thrown away every single day. Frustrated by the growing problem of consumer waste, a woodworker saw an opportunity in chopsticks:

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WWF believes in people and nature thriving together | Visit panda.org today

WWF International Rue Mauverney 28 GLAND Switzerland


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Autor: WWF International

Fonte: WWF International

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço


sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2022

Sophie, Clean Cities: 🚸#StreetsForKids está de regresso! 2022

Junte-se a nós no dia 21 de outubro para exigir ar mais limpo e estradas mais seguras à volta das escolas

O tempo está a arrefecer e os céus estão a ficar cada vez mais cinzentos, mas temos notícias coloridas para animar o seu dia!  

A iniciativa #StreetsForKids está de regresso para mais um dia de ação! Junte-se a nós no dia 21 de outubro para exigir ar mais limpo e estradas mais seguras em toda a Europa

Tome medidas

Porque é que isto é importante? 

As estradas à volta das escolas são frequentemente perigosas e são zonas em que se concentra a poluição atmosférica devido às viagens matinais para deixar as crianças e às vespertinas para as ir buscar. Através da iniciativa Streets For Kids, estamos a enviar uma mensagem bem clara aos nossos autarcas:  Ir à escola não deve ser sinónimo de expor as nossas crianças ao ar tóxico ou a estradas perigosas. Os autarcas têm de as proteger e criar Ruas Escolares – ruas fechadas ao trânsito à frente das escolas – em todas as cidades da Europa.

Tome medidas 

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🎨Transferir os materiais para impressão e redes sociais para dar à sua ação aquele toque #StreetsForKids especial.

Ir para o Website agora
Se o tempo escassear, veja o tutorial rápido para criar o seu próprio evento!

Faltam apenas 15 dias para o grande dia - contamos consigo no dia 21 de outubro! Entretanto, gostaríamos de ver as suas ações a ganharem forma - partilhe os seus planos e fotos nas redes sociais com o hashtag #StreetsForKids ou #S4K!

Obrigado pelo vosso apoio contínuo,

Sophie, em nome da Campanha Clean Cities

Copyright © 2021 Clean Cities Campaign, All rights reserved.

Autor:  Sophie, Clean Cities Org.
Fonte: Sophie, Clean Cities Org.

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza 
Carlos Carrapiço

WWF International: Being in nature is good for you 💚! 2022


Have you ever heard of forest bathing? Despite the name, the Japanese tradition is not about being in any kind of water.

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Have you ever heard of forest bathing? Despite the name, the Japanese tradition is not about being in any kind of water. It's about spending time immersed in nature, quiet among the trees, and observing the space around you. And it could do us a world of good.

Researchers found that forest bathing lowers blood pressure and stress levels, and strengthens the immune system. And people who spent at least two hours a week in nature reported feeling a greater sense of well-being than those who didn't.

In fact, both the Japanese and South Korean health services prescribe forest bathing sessions. In Japan alone, there are now over 70 designated 'healing forests.' 

Nature is responsible for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. But the natural world is also vital to our physical and mental health. It's critical we champion nature and safeguard the future of our magnificent planet:

WWF believes in people and nature thriving together | Visit panda.org today

                               WWF International Rue Mauverney 28 GLAND Switzerland


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Autor: WWF Internacional

Fonte: WWF Internacional 

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço