Celebrate International Day of Friendship with an inspiring story and a fun activity!
 | Today is International Day of Friendship and we are excited to share an inspiring story of friendship and a fun activity with you. With all the challenges children around the world are facing today, from poverty and hunger to child labor, violence and a lack of access to education, finding friendship can provide so much hope and solidarity. That is certainly true for David* and Peter,* both 8, who live in a refugee settlement in northern Uganda. The two boys met playing soccer and quickly bonded because they run at the same speed. Now, they do everything together, including attending an early learning center and child-friendly space run by Save the Children. There they practice reading and vocabulary, try new games and activities and play outside. Peter loves drawing and David loves to play the drums, but mostly, they just enjoy spending time together. Peter and David's story is a beautiful reminder of the power and importance of friendship – and that's what this day is all about. The world's challenges can seem insurmountable. Oftentimes, the best way to meet them is offering a helping hand or the gift of friendship. The children at Save the Children's child-friendly space in northern Uganda recently enjoyed this creative activity in which they created their own sun prints. We think you'll enjoy doing it with a friend of your own, Carlos! Thank you, today and always, for being a friend to children all over the world and helping them create the lasting change and brighter futures they deserve. Save the Children | |
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Autor: Save the Children Org.
Fonte: Save the Children Org.
Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza