domingo, 25 de abril de 2021

Save the Children - "Can you ace our World Malaria Day quiz?" (Noticias em Inglês) 2021


Save the  Children

Carlos: Today is World Malaria Day, and we're thinking about how far we still need to go to make sure no child dies from a preventable and treatable disease like malaria.

Educating ourselves and our communities is a critical first step. That's why we've created a brand-new quiz to test your knowledge in honor of this important day of awareness. Please, will you take the quiz before World Malaria Day ends at midnight?

An image of a woman and a child with the text: 'Test your knowledge on World Malaria Day. Take the Quiz'

We are committed to helping children access everything they need to grow up healthy and safe – including health care, medicine, nutritious food and clean water. And we're so grateful to supporters like you for making this important work possible.

Thank you, today and always, for your commitment to creating lifelong change for the children who need it most.

Save the Children

Autor: Save the Children

Fonte: Save the Children

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social, Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza  
Carlos Carrapiço

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