sábado, 15 de maio de 2021

Save the Children UK - "There's a boy just like me" (versão vídeo em inglês de 2018) 2021

"There's a boy just like me"

Brighton schoolboy and Queen’s Park Primary student Frasier Cox has become one of the UK’s youngest published authors after winning a nationwide competition by leading bookseller Book People. Book People’s Bedtime Story competition set out to find the UK’s next budding author by challenging children aged between five and 11 to create a picture book on the theme of friendship. 
Frasier’s winning story ‘There’s a Boy Just Like Me’ was selected from more than 1,300 entries into the nationwide competition. 
Buy it here: http://save.tc/wFJk30kxK4b  (Ajudar a Save the Children)

Para os mais pequeninos!...
Para Miúdos e Grúdos!...
Para toda a Família!...
Para educadores(as) e comunidade em geral!....

Autor: Save the Children UK

Fonte: Save the Children UK
           You Tube

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço


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