quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2021

WWF International - "Polar bear animation sheds light on Arctic warming" 2021

When you see the Arctic on TV, its frozen seas and vast expanses of ice and snow look like they belong on another planet. But the damage climate change is causing to the region could have catastrophic consequences around the world.

As the Earth warms up, melting Arctic ice will lead to rising sea levels, which will play havoc with our coasts. And the temperature increase in the Arctic, which is happening almost three times faster than the rest of the planet, may also release huge reserves of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. 

So, where do we go from here? We still have reason to hope. People around the world are waking up to the realities of the climate crisis and how it threatens people and wildlife everywhere. And, together, we're calling on world leaders to take action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting warming.

To join these vital efforts, watch and share this powerful video – which has touched the hearts of millions – to spread the word:

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Autor: WWF International

Fonte: WWF International

O Blogue da Cidadania; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço

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