segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2021

WWF International - "COP 26 must-see images: your weekly round-up 🐼" 2021

To help you wrap up this week, we've put together an exciting collection of stories about our planet and the animals we share it with.

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Weekly roundup 14th November

Nice to see you! Your friends at WWF hope you've had a wonderful week. And to help you wrap it up, we've put together an exciting collection of stories about our planet and the wildlife we share it with.

At the UN's annual climate change conference – COP26 – world leaders pledged to end deforestation by 2030. Protecting forests – which store carbon, provide shelter, and more – is vital to our survival. Really, keeping all nature intact is key. Read on to learn more. We know that right now it's under threat, but we still have reason to hope  – the third piece touches on why. Finally, take a peek at our last two stories - one showcasing impactful images of our oceans, the other highlighting the importance of Indigenous knowledge about nature.

Image: ©  / Alex Mustard / WWF 

Leaders commit to halt forest loss

Over 100 leaders commit to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030. The countries making the pledge are responsible for 85% of the world's forests. And these forests store carbon, while destroying them fuels climate change – that's why protecting them is vital:

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The Earth's secret miracle worker

Can you believe that we wouldn't have cheese, chocolate, bread, or soy sauce without fungi? And that's not all. Fungi are crucial to almost all our food production as well as being essential to protecting our planet:

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26 must-see images of our changing planet

From extreme weather to loss of animal and plant species, there's no doubt our planet is changing – and not in a good way. But that doesn't mean things can't start changing for the better instead. When we give nature a chance, it can recover:

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Did you know this about our oceans?

From small, colourful fish swimming through coral reefs to giant whales moving through water together, our oceans are filled with marvellous sights. And we know rich natural world living underwater is well worth protecting:

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Indigenous peoples are nature's historic custodians

Indigenous knowledge and 'territories of life' not only have a critical role to play in helping the world tackle climate breakdown and nature loss but also offer a blueprint for resetting humanity's relationship with nature:

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Autor: WWF International

Fonte: WWF International

O Blogue da Cidadania; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza
Carlos Carrapiço


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