segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2022

WWF International - Stopping a mass extinction: your weekly round-up 🐼 2022


         Fonte: WWF International

O Blogue da Cidadania Ativa; Inclusão Social; Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Natureza

Carlos Carrapiço



Weekly round-up 1st May

Happy May! To ring in the new month, we've put together a collection of our favourite stories from the last few days for you to read through. From good news about our oceans to fascinating facts about animals and more, our round-up this week features news from around the world about our shared world. So sit back, relax and enjoy these stories about our magnificent planet from your friends at WWF – and have a great start to May.

Image credit: © Daniel Martínez / WWF-Peru

Nurtured by nature

Connecting with nature is great for our mental health. From forests and rivers to gardens and parks, spending even a little time in green spaces can have a big positive impact on our overall well being. This story from the UK explores the direct benefits:

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What can help us protect our planet?

People across the globe are working hard to call for and build solutions to the climate crisis so we can safeguard our planet's – and our own – future. One of these 'solutions' sits just beneath our feet – a climate ally easily overlooked, but critical:

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We can stop mass extinction in the ocean

Right now, we're writing the story of our future. What we do in the coming years will determine our relationship with nature for decades to come. The good news? We still have time to turn the tides for our oceans – and we can do it now:

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The magic of moulting animals

Have you ever wondered why certain animals shed their skin? Life on Earth is unique, special and fascinating in its strangeness – and moulting animals fit the mould. Here's the secret behind their baffling behaviour:

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Plants thriving against all odds

Hot days, cold nights: deserts aren't the friendliest places for most of us, including animal and plant species.  But that doesn't stop some species thriving in these arid environments. So, how do they manage to survive?

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Autor: WWF International

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